Sunday, May 5, 2013

Two of the Best Foods You Can Eat Before Trading

intelligence is half eaten
Eat. Love. Trade.

Yogurt and granola are two separate things which belong together because they are so good for you.

Not only are they tasty, but they contain vitamins and minerals which help your brain focus and remember.

In fact, if you start your day off with a small cup of yogurt and granola, you'll be much more awake and alert - a must for binary options traders who are looking forward to making big decisions during the day.

It's also one of the tastiest things or snacks you can eat. Instead of eating candy or junk food, try some yogurt and granola instead.

So If you want to start your day with a balanced breakfast, and you really should, try some yogurt and granola. Aside from being very tasty and good for you, yogurt and granola as a combination is incredibly good for the brain as well.

Y&G helps to stimulate thought, helps with memory, and is very important in the diet of a binary options trader.

Every investor needs to think fast and remember lots of important things, and having yogurt and granola in the morning for breakfast will definitely help you with that. 

Remember, leave the junk food off your menu. It's over-bloated with sugars and fats. Instead, go for something healthy like a yogurt and granola cup instead. You'll notice a huge difference soon enough.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Discover The Formula To Financial Freedom Through Reading

Read Your Way To Money, Power, Glory

the bunny and the magician are a binary trader's dream story
The trick to being a financial wizard is revealed between the covers
Binary options traders don't just sit in front of the screen trading all day and night. They have lives apart from this as well.

One thing which they like to do is to read. Reading is a great way to pass the time and make sure that you gain many different perspectives and information about many different subjects, which is beneficial to a strategic thinker.

Trading in binary options requires strategic thinking at all times and reading provides a template for the mind with which to expand one's horizons in various ways. So I definitely recommend reading as an activity that I would include in any Top Ten List of Things To Do When Not Trading Binary Options.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Economist is a Vital Binary Options News Source

editorial cartoon of margaret thatcher
"The lady is not for turning" ~ PM Margaret Thatcher

Why Maggie Thatcher Read The Economist

In the world of binary options trading, information is key. And one of those best placed to give you that information is The Economist magazine. 

The Economist is one of the most well known and respected names in journalism and is read by every single serious investor the world over - and for good reason. Their articles not only deal with financial news, but with the overall global picture of the world economies out there, which is a positive boon for any binary options trader. 

You can’t go wrong reading The Economist magazine every chance you get.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Microsoft remains a Top Investment Choice

Ever Shake Hands With Bill Gates?
Microsoft is going to be launching their latest system and while their stock hasn’t been doing well in the last few years, that matters little to a binary options investor this Spring.

Because of the nature of binary options, you don’t need a stock to be doing well to make just as much money as if it is doing badly.

All you have to do is predict how it will trend. 

My guess is that Microsoft is on the slow but steady rebound with their new products which are still the talk of the town. So check them out today, as well as the rest of the Top 10 Binary Options Assets covered by the industry analyst at

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The genius behind binary options

Traded any of these lately?
There are a lot of ways to invest, but most of them require a lot of money to start with. And in these financially tight times, few people have that sort of money.

However, you can still invest just for a few dollars per trade with binary options. Because you only need a few dollars, the risk is minimal, it’s easier to diversify your portfolio and investments, and you can make just as much money if the stock goes up or down just depending on how you predicted the trend line.

Binary options allows the average person to become a big investor.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fundamental Market Trading Principle of Support & Resistance

If you’re thinking about investing in binary options for the price of oil, make sure to use the investment strategy of support and resistance before you do so.

The charting with support and resistance for online trading allows you to get a good idea of the ceiling and floor that oil has reached in price.

The price of oil is watched over time and charted and the changes and fluctuations are monitored and charted.

You then look for the trend lines and these should help you with the binary options trading process. This is the principle behind support and resistance.

Related Video: About the OptionsClick binary options trading platform (by FXEmpire)